Supporting project teams in multiple locations with our timesheet management & scheduling software.

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Other tutorials available:

Online tutorials for Admin and Managers

Online tutorial for all Users

Online tutorials for Admin and Managers

How do I get started?

Find out how to schedule an employee as well as teams.

How do I get new Users onto the calendar?

A step-by-step guide to setting up a new User in Simpro .

What else can I do?

Once you're familiar with scheduling jobs and activities, watch what else you can do - from amending and deleting timesheets, to approving multiple blocks.

How do I submit a timesheet, using Clock On?

In this tutorial you'll learn how to submit shifts in real time, add breaks, switch tasks and record overtime.

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How do I submit a timesheet, using Manual Time?

Timesheets can also be submitted without using the Clock On feature, through Manual Time. This tutorial will show you how.

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How do I create an activity or job?

This tutorial takes you through setting up a timesheet and submitting it for approval, when a job hasn't been assigned to you.

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Online tutorial for all Users

What do all the colours mean?

The colours in the calendar can be daunting at first, but once you start using time2u, they'll quickly make sense.

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